Buried Under Income Tax Debt?
York Credit Can Help!
Dealing with tax debt can be stressful. The Canada Revenue Agency is considered one of the worst creditors with massive powers to ensure everyone pays what they owe. You can pay huge amounts of penalties and interests on all the overdue tax. You may not even enjoy some tax credits until the tax debt is settled. The CRA can even take money out of your salary or straight from your account if you don’t pay up. To avoid any of these, you need to speak to a qualified debt relief expert to discuss suitable debt solutions for this kind of debt.
The CRA may never be willing to accept partial income tax payments which is why you need to treat this form of debt very seriously. York Credit can help you to deal with tax debt before the agency takes stringent measures that disrupt your day to day life. We will help you determine exactly how much tax you owe. If you haven’t submitted all your tax returns, we will guide you through this process.

Pay attention to tax debt
Ignoring tax debt will not make it go away. Talk to us before the CRA gets more aggressive and makes your life miserable. We will walk you through your options and explore the best way to minimize this debt and get your finances on track. For more information about dealing with tax debt, please contact York Credit. We provide free financial assessments for individuals dealing with tax debt. We will be happy to assist.